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Sebago Lake Region

Sebago Lake

Sebago Lake


The primary water source for the city of Portland, Sebago Lake is considered to be one of the purist lakes in Maine. First-time visitors are often fascinated by the water clarity-but this clear water requires that you use live baits or more realistic baits than fish in other bodies of water can tolerate. Anglers use long leaders, typically 25 feet or more, when trolling.

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Sebago Lake

Sebago is also one of the state's deepest lakes with a maximum depth of 316 feet, which makes it popular for lake trout (commonly called by their Native American name, togue). The lake's dozens of inlets, coves, underwater islands and rock piles provide many opportunities for you to catch other fish as well, such as brook trout, black crappie, largemouth and smallmouth bass, and white and yellow perch. You'll find plenty of fish in the two-to-six-pound range, with catches also possible in the 15-to-20-pound range.

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